How To Change Out Your HiViz Sights in No Time


HIVIZ Sights is the industry leader in fiber optic sights and they come in a variety of colors. In this video Trevor Young from HIVIZ sights shows how easy it is to switch out different color fiber optics to match your hunting situation. For the handgun hunter, HIVIZ has calibers and models that are really tailored to the handgun hunter.

The sights used in the video above are the LIVEWAVE H3™ Handgun sights fromHIVIZ, that we mounted to a Performance Center 460XVR. LiteWave H3™ sight combines Tritium with the HIVIZ Litepipe technology for 24 illumination. Now you can have the advantage of day and night performance all in one sight system. All steel construction sight sets are rugged and durable, designed for the roughest use, whether it is personal defense and protection, Law Enforcement or Military. The new LiteWave H3™ ensures fast sight acquisition and a bright sight picture day or night.

Learn more shooting tips fromHIVIZ click the link here.


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