One Way of Building an Effective Deer Feeding Program for Low Fence Deer

By Wade Middleton

When it comes to building a good deer feeding program and management program, there are many different opinions, and every one of them offers valuable insights. The more you learn, the better you can tailor a feeding strategy that works for your specific situation and goals as no two programs are generally the same. While corn is often considered the go-to feed for attracting whitetail deer, and it certainly works year-round, it is important to understand the benefits and limitations of different feed types and strategies.

Corn: The Year-Round Deer Attractant

Corn is often referred to as “candy” for deer. It is highly attractive and can help sustain them during tough times, but it is not the most nutritious option available. Despite that, corn feeders remain a staple on many deer leases regardless of if you are feeding only during the season or all year long. Part of its attractiveness is the lower cost and the fact it is easily fed in a variety of feeders.

Many game managers and hunters adjust feeder timers based on deer activity to maximize their effectiveness, ensuring that you are providing the right amount of feed at the right times and not feeding nongame animals. However, corn is just one part of a comprehensive deer feeding program. To truly optimize your efforts, consider incorporating additional feeds that offer more nutritional and attraction value based on the time of the year.

On-Demand Feeders: A Game Changer

One of the best advancements in deer feeding programs is the use of on-demand gravity feeders. These allow deer to feed whenever they want, providing a consistent source of nutrition 24/7. In areas where food plots or farming is not sustainable the use of free choice feeders has really helped to grow populations of whitetail. For free-range deer, a protein content of around 16% is often the sweet spot. While higher protein percentages are beneficial in controlled breeding environments, 16% is usually ideal for most wild deer populations.

On-demand feeders offer another significant advantage: they adjust naturally to the availability of natural food sources. When Mother Nature provides a good habitat, you will notice a decrease in feed consumption. This ebb and flow allows your deer to take advantage of natural resources when available while still having supplemental feed during leaner times.

Record Rack AntlerPlus: Proven Results

For many, Record Rack AntlerPlus has become the go-to feed for improving deer health. The results speak for themselves—on properties where a feeding program has been in place for years, deer often weigh 15 to 20 pounds more than on properties without such a program. In addition fawn survival and antler growth are both higher. It’s easy to see that healthier deer are better equipped to grow impressive antlers, survive harsh conditions thus making this an essential part of any deer management strategy.

Feeder Pens: Essential for Protection

If you are dealing with cattle or wild hogs, feeder pens are a must. In Texas, where ranch country often means competition between cattle, hogs, and deer, feeder pens can protect your feed investment. Cattle panels, hog wire, or barbed wire can all be used to create these pens, but over time, many have found that cattle panels offer the best protection. By cutting sections out to create “jump-in spots” and reinforcing the structure with hose clamps and T-posts, you can minimize unwanted visitors and ensure your feed is reaching your target species.

Creating a Buffet for Wildlife

The goal of any deer feeding program should be to create an environment that attracts and retains wildlife. In areas where you cannot grow crops or large food plots, a well-planned feeding program can make your property more appealing to deer and other game. The larger the feeder pen, the better, and consider incorporating multiple feeders—such as corn, protein, and even cottonseed feeders—to provide a buffet that keeps wildlife coming back.

Improving Your Property, One Meal at a Time                                       

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At the heart of any deer feeding program is the desire to improve your property and make it more attractive to wildlife. Whether you are focusing on whitetail deer, wild turkeys, or other species, your goal is to create an environment where wildlife wants to stay. By offering consistent, high-quality feed, you encourage deer to call your property home, giving you better opportunities for hunting success down the road.

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